Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tauren Marine

Meet the Tauren Marine. The new shock troops of the Terran in Starcraft 2. From what's been shown, a handful of these guys seems capable of destroying anything and everything. I guess it must be something in the water in Mulgore.

Speaking of Starcraft 2, things are looking amazing for that game. I recently re-watched the Protoss and Terran gameplay trailers and now I'm even more impatient for Blizzard to release the game. After all, it's about time.

But can anyone believe that it's been ten years since the first game?? I mean, that's almost 50% of my life!! And, despite the age, Starcraft is still incredibly fun to play--My friends and I still LAN with Starcraft! Take into consideration that over the past ten years, there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of other games that have been released. There are dozens of other great RTS games to LAN with, dozens more FPS games for us to whet our appetites for first blood with, and yet, we still come back to Starcraft. And, to top it off, we are not a bunch of fanatical Starcraft fanboys (playing the game when the rest of the world has clearly moved on). The rest of the world is also coming back to Starcraft.

What does that say about Starcraft as a game? Simply put, it is one of the (if not the) best games ever made. The attention to detail that Blizzard put into creating the Starcraft universe in conjunction with just how balanced the game is makes it a paragon of how other games (especially RTS games) should be like.

Now, if only Blizzard would release Starcraft 2 next week and if only the Tauren Marine were actually real--never mind the fact that it would be horribly op and imba . . .

1 comment:

=Ace= said...

Hell, it's about time. I wonder though. I did not see this unit on the official web sight though...